Double Your Fees & Halve Time at Your Desk

Four months of 1:1 business coaching and strategy.

Increase your prices. Simplify your practice. Cut your compliance load.



Do you:

  • Want to change, but you don’t know where to start
  • Want to work less, but there is always a client who needs something
  • Train your staff, but they always have questions (interruptions, more like).
  • Have a ton of knowledge, but you aren’t getting paid for the expertise you could provide
  • Have vestige clients pay you a pittance but you won’t find them another home, out of loyalty, guilt, etc.
  • Take on business willy-nilly. If they have a heartbeat and a checkbook…
  • Get whiplash from your business – sometimes it’s go-go-go, then it’s quiet. Still, there’s scant time to plan and be strategic in your growth.




  • You could work with fewer clients, without decreasing your revenue
  • Do work you really love, while meaningfully moving the needle in your clients’ businesses
  • Take on only the best clients: those whose work is interesting to you, you enjoy working for, who value your expertise, and compensation you well for it
  • Step fully into your confidence and the value you provide – stop doubting yourself and playing small
  • Stop proving your value by how many hours you put in, or how much you accomplish, or how much you sacrifice yourself
  • Get your business on financial curve that supports your life and your goals, and then some
  • Leave work at the office and be present when you’re with your family




1:1 business coaching and strategy is for CPAs just like you who feel overwhelmed, stuck, and concerned there’s no way out. You will learn why your business isn’t working the way you want it to and what to do about it, so you can start taking longer strides toward your goals. With no-b$ accountability, you will increase your revenue, grow your margins, and get your evenings and weekends back.

The problem with guessing:

It’s one way to grow your business, but it’s not the easiest way. You learn a lot about what does and doesn’t work, but wouldn’t you rather just know what to do that will work?

I’ve coached CPAs for years and helped them get Big Results (triple their income in a year, $50K of new consulting income in 5 months, get 100% out of tax). You can have the same in your business, in whatever way is most important to you. Coaching is custom to the life and business you want to create, even while there are common problems most CPAs share.

How it works:

  • You get 4 months of 1:1 business coaching and strategy with unlimited access – Zoom, Voxer, email – during business hours
  • We share a Drive Folder, so I can review progress and help you stay accountable
  • Start with benchmarks and goals so I can understand where you are now relative to where you want to be
  • Identify what business challenges are holding you back
  • We create a clear strategy to help you reach your goals
  • We meet 2x monthly on Zoom to track your progress and identify next steps

More important stuff:

  • Money-back guarantee. If you are not happy after our first call, I will refund your payment, and we can part on good terms. I can do the same if I think we are not a good fit.
  • Payment can be split in two, first payment due before starting, second payment at 45 days. Payment can be made in full by check for 10% less.
  • You can record our calls.
  • Our calls are confidential.
  • Meetings are capped at 75 minutes, but you can have as much of my time as you like by simply scheduling the next meeting sooner. (This is part of breaking you of the notion that you are “buying my time.”)
  • Insanity is doing the same thing and hoping for different results. I will ask you to do different things, to get better results. If you’re ok doing new things, great. If not, let’s stop here.

Ready to stop struggling, and take the easier path?