Be Strategic About Your CPEs
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Today’s guest is Melisa Galasso. She is the founder of Galasso Learning Solutions, where she offers custom, continuing professional education to CPAs, focused on engaging learner experience and improved performance outcomes.
I wanted to interview Melisa to talk with her about Continuing Education. While it might not be the sexiest topic ever, with 40 required hours every year, it’s worth doing this right. And having seen a number of my own clients have to cram in dozens of hours right before the deadline, it made me think this was an issue worth bringing to the table.
What stood out to me in this conversation was just how easy it is for the year to get away from you, and that when it’s left until late in the game, you end up having to choose whatever is left to satisfy requirements, which is not just a waste of time and money, but a huge opportunity cost to learn the things that could potentially really move your business forward.
Book mentioned:
The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance—What Women Should Know, by Katty Kay
Connect with Melisa:
Download ebook “6 Easy Steps to Double Your Revenue”
Work with Geraldine:
Strategy Session
1:1 Coaching