Build it fast so you can start selling it this quarter

You can’t listen to a podcast episode for accountants without hearing the term “Advisory Services.” Despite being everywhere you look, there’s a complete dearth of specific guidance on what exactly to create, how to price it, and how to begin incorporating it into your practice without ignoring existing work that needs getting done. Consequently, most CPAs leave the building of Advisory Services to simmer on the back-burner.


There is so much you know that can help your clients be more profitable – beyond expense reduction and basic tax strategy. Compliance and accounting may be what your clients want, but it’s not what they need. The vast majority of business owners have limited interested in understanding tax, or looking in the rear view mirror at their financials.

Instead, most business owners need answers to questions like:

  • How do I make more money?
  • What can I do to stop the bleeding?
  • How is it that I make $50K a month, but my bank account is always empty?
  • How much do I have to spend on Facebook Ads?
  • If I have $100K in reserve, is it better to hire someone, or expand into a new location?
  • What am I supposed to be asking you, that I don’t even know to be asking you?

Your clients are seeking answers from financials, but you keep serving up tax, with random splatters of advice on the side. Your clients are frustrated and resigned, and you are leaving money all over the table. What’s worse? So are they.



And it’s easier to build than you think. In a focused half-day, we will create your Roadmap to Advisory Services.

What comprises Advisory Services?
The simple version is the kind of guidance you are already providing, for free.

It includes but is not limited to:

  • Entity Structure Optimization
  • Cashflow planning – so your clients never run out of cash
  • Cashflow solutions – helping your clients solve their cashflow issues, rather than simply managing and tolerating them
  • Helping your clients shift to get paid upfront
  • Expense reviews to plug leaks
  • Profitability assessment of services and offerings to clarify what drives profitability in the business
  • Review of margins and KPIs
  • Addressing industry-specific business model challenges
  • Review and raise rates
  • Scenario Planning – best, worst, and most likely case, given x, y, and z



We look at your existing clients, coupled with your interests and skill set, to determine your best opportunities.

The most likely scenario is that you are already doing informal ‘Advisory Services’ – but you don’t know it, because your knowledge is obvious to you. (Isn’t this stuff obvious to everyone?)

I will extricate what you already know and give away all day for free, that’s worth tens of thousands of dollars in savings or revenue growth to your clients. (Have you ever had clients say, “I feel like I should send you a nice bottle of wine, because Wow, was that worth it.” That’s a sign you’re doing Advisory and giving away the store.)

We will uncover what your clients have been asking you for. We will turn the outcomes they seek into a formal service offering that has three price options, so they’ll almost always say Yes. You’ll find it natural and easy to sell, because it’s material you already know inside and out. The difference is that now you have it in a nice, neat box. With a price tag on it.



We will identify a few prospects and/or clients to pilot your new Advisory Services with, so you walk away knowing exactly to speak with first.

The process:

  • To get started, send me a quick email expressing your interest.
  • I will reply with a link to schedule our 1/2-day session: get yourself scheduled.
  • I will also send you an email with a bit of pre-work you can do to optimize our time together. It’s optional.
  • We will meet for 4 hours (or as long as it takes) to plow through a bunch of material related to your business.
  • We will quickly zero in on what you need to build, and what you don’t.
  • We will create offerings, prices, target market, and so much more.
  • Within a week after we meet, you will receive your THINK BIG Roadmap to Advisory Services.
  • You have a month to follow up with questions.

More important stuff:

  • Price: $3500.
  • 100% money-back guarantee. If after our session, you are not already convinced it was worth it, I will refund your payment, and we can part on good terms.
  • You can record our calls.
  • Our calls are confidential.

Ready to get started?

Email me using the contact form or at I will get back to you by the end of the day.

“Like her podcast, Geraldine delivers! Since starting my business I’ve been caught in a hamster wheel of compliance work; Geraldine has given me the guidance I needed towards developing an advisory model. Now instead of feeling overwhelmed, caught up in my head and stuck, I am finally making progress to pivot my business into value-based pricing and services.”

Heather Zeitzwolfe, CPA